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-50% OFFWe believe that AdBlocker Ultimate should be available and equally accessible to every single person on the planet Earth. Thanks to many of you, volunteering translators, our dream becomes reality. Go check out our Knowledge base to learn more about translations and how to get a bonus for your help.
Become a translatorWrite a post or shoot a video review of AdBlocker Ultimate and share it with other people. By doing so you will help others find out more about us and you will end up gettin yourself a free license as a token of our gratitude
Learn moreFilters are the core of the AdBlocker Ultimate technology. They need to be constantly maintained to block menaces like new malware threats, tracking systems and intrusive ads. Any help is always welcome.
Our team believes that testing is equally as important as development itself, if not more so. Join our team of beta testers today.
We at AdBlocker Ultimate always support software developers, who contribute to millions of people making their lives easier. Your work is highly appreciated, and you deserve a small bonus from us.