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AdBlocker Ultimate for Windows

AdBlocker Ultimate for Windows is shareware, which comes with a 14-day trial period. It is designed for users, who would like to extend our advanced ad-blocking technology all over their Windows-based applications. Thus you won’t see any ads regardless of the program you use. Check our plans here! Read the EULA.

AdBlocker Ultimate for Browsers

AdBlocker Ultimate for Browsers is a completely free, open source and non-profit project licensed under GPLv3.

AdBlocker Ultimate Browser for Android

AdBlocker Ultimate Browser for Android is a free mobile app, which offers paid advanced functionality. Read the EULA.

AdBlocker Ultimate for iOS

AdBlocker Ultimate for iOS is a free mobile app for Safari browser. Read the EULA.


Our users are free and welcome to donate as much as they see fit to encourage our work. Donations do not buy any product or license, the app is completely free to download and use. It is completely voluntary and the donations are used to keep the team and project running.