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Unlike other adblockers, we don't rely on any kind of sponsorships from advertising networks or publishers to allow their ads (via whitelists, acceptable ads or other fancy names our competitors use).
We depend only on your contributions and support to pay our bills and keep doing what we do best. Even the smallest contribution helps towards improving the adblocker and developing for more devices.
AdBlocker Ultimate's mission is to offer an open-source ad-blocking solution that prioritizes user security, privacy, and freedom. We are dedicated to providing a free and effective tool for users worldwide to enjoy a seamless and ad-free browsing experience.
Please note that contributions made to AdBlocker Ultimate are not tax-deductible as charitable donations.
Absolutely, your payment is safeguarded through PayPal's rigorous security measures. We've teamed up with PayPal, a globally recognized payment platform trusted by major corporations worldwide. Your sensitive financial data remains entirely confidential, as it never passes through our systems. Instead, we transmit all information securely to PayPal's PCI-compliant servers using SSL encryption technology.
Is my donation secure?Certainly. You can cancel it at any time - simply log into your PayPal account, go to Automatic payments, and click on Cancel to deactivate the subscription, or contact us.
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